Mayan Square

Initially the focus of this work would be to study the improvements for the Quality of Life of the freqentadores that carry through practical physics in the ATI (Academy of the Third Age) that it is placed in Mayan the Kalina Square. However, we observe that this article would be well enriquecedor if the functioning of the Kalina Square had as main focus, and this objective by itself, possesss sufficient points to be investigated. Exactly thus, we cannot disrespect the project Academy of Terceira Idade (ATI) that it corresponds to a signed accord enters the City hall of the Christmas and the Assix company Advertising and Ltda Deliverer, of the Paran. Yielded without costs for the natalense population, this accord has the objective of assisting the city of the Christmas in the health promotion, with directed physical activities for the third age, through the gratuitous and unrestricted disponibilizao of public space, duly equipped and chemical preparation for physical activities of aged. That also it will be our subject of study, not as main focus, but for to understand that it is one of the main spaces used in the Square. For the accomplishment of this article, we carry through 30 (thirty) interviews half-structuralized with freqentadores of Mayan the Kalina Square, the interviewed ones had been chosen of random form.

Between the carried through questions we wanted to discover how much time they frequent the place, the positive points, the negative points, and what they understand of the ATI that functions in the space. Also we carry through the comment of the place, the flow of people, the physical state of the equipment, among others aspects. The collection of data was carried through in the one between November and December, in the diverse schedules of the day, for the execution of this task. MAYAN SQUARE KALINA Physical Structure of Mayan the Kalina Square In a predominantly residential area of the quarter of New Lagoon, between the Streets Joaquin Arajo Son, Manuel Vieira de Freitas and Dr.


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