Marketing Director

News from ODS – Office data service GmbH Berlin ODS – Office data service GmbH celebrates its 14 anniversary on August 14 with a day of open door. There, anyone interested can take a look behind the scenes of the full service dialog marketing professionals from the Oberbaum-city in Berlin. For 14 years, the ODS GmbH ensures that the mail properly goes off and that is quite literally to take. \”The company, which is in the so-called Oberbaum-city\” (old Narva/OSRAM terrain) located in the District of Friedrichshain/Kreuzberg, Berlin is, has specialized in the performance areas of direct marketing, digital printing and postal service. The ODS GmbH in the handling of daily mail, mailings, or the mass sending of invoices are characterised by reliability, speed and flexibility. 14 years none is now the typical round\”anniversaries, but in our fast-paced industry quite a reason to celebrate. Therefore we invite August 14, a look on Friday, in the time from 10 am to 5 pm all interested to throw behind the scenes and meet our staff personally\”, can be said Stefan Schroter, Managing Director of ODS GmbH. A little planning security to ensure and the guided schedule and coordinate, we ask all visitors to sign up in advance.

We Heads of account managers take the Tongs in hand himself and spoil our visitors with all sorts of tasty treats. The application form can be found in the Internet on our website under the address. For every guest we have prepared a small surprise\”, so next Schroter. Particularly interesting is the event for all hoteliers and restaurateurs. They have the opportunity to the open day, Web-to-mailing service StayGuest developed the extra from the ODS GmbH for this clientele\”to introduce. To Sonja Bunthe, Marketing Director of StayGuest: Our open day provides an opportunity to StayGuest the decision-makers from the Hotels and restaurants to present.


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