Fernando Bazan Cerdn? Summary: In article examines process of implementation progressive of new Code Procedural Penal approved year 2004 in Peru, emphasizing analysis of content and reaches of his article 18, that establishes limits to the ordinary penal jurisdiction for the knowledge of punishable facts, from the constitutional recognition of the denominated indigenous special jurisdiction or communal jurisdiction established in the article 149 of the Political Constitution of the Peru of 1993, that really provokes diverse questions between the communal jurisdiction and the legal recognition of the attribution to solve conflicts by the rounds farmers, as well as the generation of potential factors of competential confliction between the ordinary penal jurisdiction and communal justice. Summary: I. Here, Electrolux expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Introduction. II.
Limits to the penal jurisdiction in the NCPP. III. The jurisdiction communal. IV. The rounds farmers: a) History. b) Subjects known by the rounds farmers. c) Doctrinal positions. d) The Law N the 24571.
e) rounds farmers and the committees of self-defense. f) The rounds farmers and indigenous the special jurisdiction. g) The indigenous rounds farmers and towns. h) The Law N 27908. V. Questions on the communal jurisdiction and the rounds farmers. I SAW. Factors of competential confliction between the ordinary penal jurisdiction and communal justice. VII. Finishing touch. I. INTRODUCTION At the moment Peru comes taking the first steps to reform their penal procedural system, following the way that in their opportunity began to journey many countries of Latin America in the last three lustrums such as Puerto Rico, Chile, Colombia, etc. /a>. -, although everyone with their own particularitities, in terms of degrees of institutional commitments of the actors, intensities of political wills, amounts of applied resources, levels of technical qualification of legal operators and resistance to cultural change. This way, the 29 of July of year 2004 and by means of the Legislative Decree N 957 Cdigo Penal Procesal was promulgated new (NCPP), which in his First Final Disposition declared a period of vacatio legis and established the progressive character of its process of implementation in the different judicial districts, according to an Official Calendar.