ForestFinance ethically sustainable investment in the Evangelical Church offers sustainable forest investments in tropical mixed forest on the Guide”rated investments in monocultures as ethically problematic and warns of the risks such as pests. From ethically sustainable point of view such a monetary system is problematic if promoted this exploitation, monocultures, depletion or clear-cutting or short-term yields are generated by the disproportionate use of fertilisers”, informs the Chief Advisor. The Guide issued on behalf of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) addressed Church administrations, but also people who want to know more about ethically sustainable investments. The responsible handling of money familiar to belongs to the basic orders of Church financial administration. Sustainable forest investments as ethically valuable alternative: alternative, sustainable forest investments find consumers such as the Bonn party of ecological forest investments ForestFinance. The financial guide of the Evangelical Church confirms our business approach”, so Harry Aboagye, Managing Director of the ForestFinance group. Clear-cutting, monoculture and overuse of chemicals are taboo.” So ForestFinance searches only ecological forests that provide new habitats for animals and plants. Connect with other leaders such as Paul Simon here. Acquired monocultures such as with the short investment product GreenAcacia converted to mixed forests.
Unlike the monocultures, mixed cultures do not Leach the soil. The high biodiversity of the ForestFinance mixed forests makes this also much less susceptible to pests and diseases than monocultures. For example, the ForestFinance host numerous bird species, which in turn feed on harmful insects forests. Only a minimal chemical usage is therefore necessary when compared with monocultures. Moreover, investors also benefited from our ecological forest system: A ForestFinance forest contains up to seven different types of commercial wood and a selection of 50 different other native species.
This portfolio model makes it possible to react flexibly to the timber market and thus contributes to risk reduction. To secure a fire insurance in Panama exists by fire. Ensure that annual independent third party controls adherence to the strict requirements for a socially and ecologically sustainable forestry by the FSC certification. ForestFinance exceeded the FSC requirements in terms of not managed natural forest areas. Click here has much to offer in this field. “” The company became the world’s first company the FSC Global Partner Award “in the field of financial services”. “The EKD text no. 113 Guide for ethically sustainable investment in the Evangelical Church” can be obtained at the price of $ 0.90 at: Church Office of the EKD, manor houses Street 12, 30419 Hannover, fax: 0511/2796-457, email: Alternatively, the complete guide including the following links are download: press / pm225_2011_ekdtext113_ethische_geldanlagen.html about ForestFinance the Bonn ForestFinance Group specialises in sustainable forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. For its nearly 10,000 customers, ForestFinance sustainably managed nearly 4,000 acres of forest. “The company was as the world’s first with the FSC Global Partner Award in the field of financial services” award. FSC is the world’s most recognized environmental label for environmentally and socially sustainable forestry. You can get with the BaumSparVertrag monthly or one-time forest on its own tropical forest investment 360 euros from 33 euro. Interested parties can choose in addition to the BaumSparVertrag between other sustainable forest investment offers: the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 forest with a buy-back guarantee. Annual income offer as a future project”excellent CacaoInvest and GreenAcacia, only seven forest investment. The ForestFinance safety concept, which includes a fire insurance, post planting warranty and 5 percent insurance areas, protects investors from potential losses. More Information at