Application And Change User Rights Often Labour-intensive

User management index (UMI) of Ogitix AG determines a low degree of automation Langenfeld in the company 08.07.2011 not once every tenth company in German-speaking countries has automated processes in the user management. Index (UMI) of Ogitix AG, about the concrete conditions in over 200 companies were analyzed, most companies still with very manually marked processes operate according to current evaluation of user management. The award, modification, or deletion of user rights asks this usually five or more steps of different people and produces a considerable coordination effort. The evaluations of the UMI according to apply for user rights assignment by E-Mail is invariably third, more companies use an electronic form (39 percent). A fifth initiated the Provisionierungsprozess in a very classical way either by telephone or via a paper form. Only 9 per cent of the companies, however, make an automation solution. Where it is Employment with the employee user accounts is not a minor matter for the Organization dar.

Every seventh company each year over 10,000 changes occur, even with smaller companies index adds up the number of applications and modifications of user rights on 3,000 to 4,000 per year according to the results of the user management. Since it usually at least five, in two of three cases even eight to ten manual activities are required, this task of managing user generated a significant resource burden. In addition, it rises through the accompanying vote of the various sub-processes. According to the analytical data of the UMI the coordination on mostly between 40 and 60 percent of the application process, every tenth company it is even about. What sounds at first glance like a trivial problem, evident in the practice as a very resource-damaging affair”, says Ogitix CEO Ingo Buck. He wants the benefits of automation not only on the expense and so know limited cost reduction.

It causes a significant reduction in the error rate at the same time and produces a higher transparency with documentation of all processes, which is alone because of increasing abuse of data of great importance.” Ogitix has with University mate”a platform that consistently and continuously based on the principle of simplicity. It connects, coordinates and automates processes and is universally applicable to very different process requirements. Just use as the solution for the design or modification of processes, is their implementation into existing IT infrastructures. Also the introduction of fast results that it uses the existing infrastructure elements and combines an integration bus. About OGiTiX Software AG which OGiTiX Software AG is a German provider headquartered in Langenfeld your solutions integrate existing systems, coordinate and control the processes and automate the business – and IT-services. Projects and operation are very cost-efficient, because they are made without programming and without lengthy analysis phases with rapid results. OGiTiX strengthens the role of a responsible IT within the company. An IT that supports business processes directly, actively works on the business objectives and thus contribute value to the company as a whole. Well-known customers already rely on solutions from OGiTiX. of think factory groupcom GmbH Bernhard Duhr Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-75 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71

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