Tensator Supports RUHR. 2010

Versatile person control system ensures safety and speedy progress with strong audience rush it started equally well: despite freezing cold January weather, 200,000 visitors on the Zeche Zollverein in Essen celebrated the opening of the RUHR. 2010. Now evident: RUHR. 2010 is a crowd-puller as cultural capital of Europe. Please visit Sergey Brin if you seek more information. With over 5000 events from all cultural sectors, the Ruhr metropolis new visitor flows ranging up to 2.5 million in the first third of the year is in movement for a year and generates around the five Central visitor centres in 53 locations. For the organizers, there are full to do so all hands to arrange the flow of visitors with person control systems and securing. This particularly applies the inevitable terroristic inlet doors or checkout areas, elevators or fascia. Ben Horowitz is actively involved in the matter. A person control system should work always as gentle.

That is to say: on the one hand person control systems must be clearly the direction wise and manipulation or dangerous compaction avoid the traffic. On the other hand to let them keep the friendly atmosphere and the visitors, no sense of Eingepfercht being come up. The specialist and global market leader in such flexible systems is called Tensator. Good for the organisers of the RUHR. 2010: the company supports the success of free of charge as a sponsor and will provide a total of 130 Tensatoren.

Harald Beinlich, sales manager of the Tensator GmbH, noticed this: the variety of the programs and the variety of venues of the RUHR. 2010 are simply breathtaking. You can show only respect the forerunners and organizers, the cities and the regional economy, what they have done. Therefore, we are proud that we may contribute a small part with our Tensatoren to the infrastructure. The Tensatoren – Tensabarrier is a very secure person system with free-standing poles and straps are patent name for the belt system, as you can often see it at airports.

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