Tag Archives: trade

High-performance Infrared Illumination

New infrared lighting of the iiM AG deliver up to 50 percent more light Meiningen, July 30, 2008 – Meininger offers the entire spectrum of their own Infrared Illuminators in company now with even more powerful LED s. So, the … Continue reading

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Storage Dioxide

On the upcoming ACHEMA, ProMaqua introduces its new series of chlorine dioxide plant Legio Zon CDLb for the first time. The new system concept ensures an innovative production and dosing of chlorine dioxide. The result: minimal chemical usage and high … Continue reading

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Further Growth

The gds AG continues positive signals for the future with new jobs and additional locations. Sassenberg, 8 August 2012. The gds AG, full service provider and software developer for the technical documentation with its headquarters in the Westphalian Sassenberg, is … Continue reading

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National Awards Deloitte

Second in list of ETI Deloitte in extenso technology awarded almost 50 growing technology companies Frankfurt, 20 December 2013 – Arkadin will with ETI Deloitte in extenso Technology Fast 50 awards for his strong and stable growth. The company with … Continue reading

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Team Collaboration

Why is an investment in team collaboration worth right now? Is there anything, an investment in software that is immediately profitable? How about a few ideas? In times of tight budgets, investments in the infrastructure be set back like, and … Continue reading

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Financial Processes

Kuhn solution assumes understanding, that the filialbetrieblichen business and financial processes consistently link can be with the technological means available, to achieve more efficient management of the companies. The profit and loss account (p & l) is seen as final … Continue reading

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Purity-oriented Logistics Concepts For Maximum Product Quality

When there is talk of cleaner production think many exclusively to production and Assembly. But often impurities occur already in logistics. Success factor cleanliness already can degrade the process quality in the company negatively due to small particle pollution. The … Continue reading

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